Our team of long-experienced experts works in diversified consulting services (including audits) and administrative and judicial litigation in environmental law.

Among the services rendered we highlight:

  • Responses to consultations, draft of legal opinions or technical notes on abstract or concrete issues related to environmental law;
  • Due diligence audits to assess the regularity of the enterprise and report on the legal situation of the assets, rights and obligations involved, with regulatory agencies, judiciary, public prosecutors or public entities;
  • Analysis and advice for the formation of administrative processes related to the licensing of enterprises or activities aimed at the use of natural or related resources;
  • Monitoring with the municipal and state environmental agencies, the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources - IBAMA and the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation - ICMBio, administrative processes of environmental licensing, grants, authorizations, registrations and others of interest of the company to the competent environmental agencies;
  • Draft of administrative defenses and appeals brought due to fines and other penalties arising from infringement notices drawn up by federal, state or municipal environmental agencies, as well as aiming at the removal of activities and the removal of other precautionary or punitive measures imposed by the inspection;
  • Draft of legal instruments requested by the company, related to the use of natural resources (TAC - Terms of Conduct Adjustment and / or Terms of Commitment);
  • Representation in civil investigations initiated within the Federal or State Public Prosecutor's Office and representation of clients in public civil actions and other procedures related to Environmental Law.